10. Regular Expression Matching - Hard
Given an input string (s) and a pattern (p), implement regular expression matching with support for ‘.’ and ‘*’ where:
- '.' Matches any single character.
- '*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element.
The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).
Input: s = "aa", p = "a"
Output: false
Explanation: "a" does not match the entire string "aa".
Input: s = "aa", p = "a*"
Output: true
Explanation: '*' means zero or more of the preceding element, 'a'. Therefore, by repeating 'a' once, it becomes "aa".
Input: s = "ab", p = ".*"
Output: true
Explanation: ".*" means "zero or more (*) of any character (.)".
Input: s = "aab", p = "c*a*b"
Output: true
Explanation: c can be repeated 0 times, a can be repeated 1 time. Therefore, it matches "aab".
Input: s = "mississippi", p = "mis*is*p*."
Output: false
Solution 1:
DP, Space O(NM), Time O(NM)
class Solution:
def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
m = len(s)
n = len(p)
f = [[False] * (n + 1) for _ in range(m + 1)]
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(n + 1): ### follow the last element of p
### initialization
print(i, j)
if i == 0 and j == 0:
f[i][j] = True
### initialization, if p is empty, cant match with s
if j == 0:
f[i][j] = False
### two cases
### case 1' p[j - 1] is not '*'
if p[j - 1] != '*':
### Attention! must check i, if i > 0
if i > 0 and (p[j - 1] == '.' or (p[j - 1] == s[i - 1])):
f[i][j] = f[i - 1][j - 1]
### case 2' p[j - 1] is '*', need to check p[j - 2]
## example: last two elements is c*,
### delete 'c'
if j > 1:
f[i][j] = f[i][j - 2]
### repeat 'c'
if i > 0 and j > 1 and (p[j - 2] == '.' or (p[j - 2] == s[i - 1])):
f[i][j] = f[i][j] or f[i - 1][j]
### satisfy either case to determine f[i][j], so use or to include the first if in second if statement.
return f[m][n]
Solution 2:
DP, Optimized with rotate array, Space O(2N), Time O(NM)
class Solution:
def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
m = len(s)
n = len(p)
dp = [[False] * (n + 1) for _ in range(2)]
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(n + 1):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
dp[i % 2][j] = True
if j == 0:
dp[i % 2][j] = False
if p[j - 1] == '*':
# c*
# remove c*
if j > 1:
dp[i % 2][j] = dp[i % 2][j - 2]
# hold c*
# check whether s ending is c
if i > 0 and j > 1 and (p[j - 2] == s[i - 1] or p[j - 2] == '.'):
dp[i % 2][j] = dp[i % 2][j] or dp[(i - 1) % 2][j]
if i > 0 and j > 0 and (p[j - 1] == s[i - 1] or p[j - 1] == '.'):
dp[i % 2][j] = dp[(i - 1) % 2][j - 1]
dp[i % 2][j] = False
return dp[m % 2][n]